Corporate Massage
What is Office Massage?
Corporate massage, or office massage, typically refers to massage services that are provided for employees at their place of work. This can include both seated massage or table massage.
Corporate Massage Programs
When a massage service happens on a regular schedule, it’s considered a massage program.
A program can happen on any frequency that makes sense for the size of your company. You could have anywhere from one massage therapist once a month, to several massage therapists everyday. Or you could fall somewhere in between: a few massage therapists in your office once or twice a week.
Massage programs allow participants to receive regular massage services, which helps them experience the cumulative benefits of massage. Typically, a massage program will be set up with a schedule so employees know when they’ll be getting their massage.
Companies will start a massage program because they want to see an improvement in employee wellness, lowered stress levels, increased concentration at work, and reduced injuries or muscle strain at work.
Corporate Massage Events
A massage event is a one-time special occasion where massage therapists work on a group of people for a single day or event.
That could be something like a company summer party, an employee appreciation day, or a health fair.
In an event setting, there may or may not be a massage schedule set up ahead of time. Some events work better with a first-come, first-served style of massage; while others will still benefit from a predetermined schedule.
Massage events are great for employee morale and as a fun addition to any reason to celebrate.
Setting up an Office Massage Program
When starting an office massage program, there are some details to pull together. The massage company or therapist you work with will help walk you through these plans.
Once the program is underway, a professional massage therapist will arrive at your place of business on a regular schedule.
They’ll bring their own massage table or massage chair and set things up in a pre-determined location (usually an empty office or meeting room).
Employees then show up for their massages according to a schedule. Depending on the type of massage and the massage program that’s been created for the company, the massages could last from 15 minutes to an hour or so.
Setting Up an Office Massage Event
When you set up a massage event, all you have to do is let us know when you want the massages to take place, and how many people you’re expecting at your event.
We will determine how many massage therapists you’ll need, and for how long. If you have a multi-day event, such as a weeklong health fair, we will need to determine the schedule for your massage therapists for each day.
Corporate Massage Benefits
Companies provide on-site massage for their employees for many reasons.
In addition to the numerous physical benefits of massage in general, office massage has these additional benefits:
- Increased productivity
- Increased employee retention
- Reduction in health care costs
- Fewer repetitive strain injuries
- Improved employee morale
Since 60% of Americans say work is a significant source of stress, a service like onsite seated massage is an effective way to lower employee stress.
When workers have fewer physical complaints and lowered stress, the workday flows much easier.
Getting Started with Office Massage
If you’re ready to incorporate corporate massages in your office, please contact us here.